How we enrich the lives of dogs
War Dogs Remembered is the charity arm of Galen Myotherapy, an organisation that is focused on the health and welfare of dogs. Galen Myotherapy specialise in treating dogs with chronic muscular pain; enabling enhanced mobility and health through detailed postural and environment assessment, unique massage techniques and rehabilitative exercise management.
Established by Julia Robertson in 2002, Galen Myotherapy has always been at the forefront of imparting knowledge and interpreting how behaviour and muscle pain manifest in our dogs. Our global organisation is passionate about enriching the lives of dogs through treatment, research and education.
Online Courses and Education
We’re the longest running and most experienced, specialist in canine massage training in the UK. Our program is leading the way in prevention, management and treatment of movement and allied disorders in dogs.
It encompasses a wide educational framework including workshops, online courses, CPD opportunities and qualifications in Canine Myotherapy.
Revolutionary Treatment Protocols
Galen Myotherapy advanced treatment protocols are a result of years of study, 1,000’s of treatments and close observations and assessments of the dogs, before, during and after their treatment.
Galen Myotherapy promotes health and treats chronic muscular pain in dogs through detailed postural assessment along with the understanding of functional movement which we incorporate into our highly effective treatment programmes.
Distance Support Programme
Over the last 2 years we have developed a Galen Myotherapy Distance Support Programme, that incorporates our 20 years of experience, to provide a supported ‘owner at-home’ treatment programme.
This programme enables 1:1 professional guidance for you as an owner, to enable you to help your dog. You will be supported remotely, through the programme, by your own dedicated, experienced Galen Myotherapist.